Today I welcome an artist I met on BlueSky, NSFW comic book artist SexGazer!
SexGazer is an artist and writer from Mexico. He’s been doing comics and illustrations since 2014. In 2020, when his regular clients put his projects on hiatus, he started his own comic series, “Dollhouse,” which went from his pandemic project, to his life’s project!

What is your art origin story? How did you get started? When did you start doing NSFW work?
Like every child I used to draw a lot, I just never stopped when I grew up. My early influences were mostly Warner cartoons like Batman: The Animated Series, Freakazoid, or The Animaniacs.
I liked to draw monsters and crazy characters on the back of my school notebooks. But the inflection point was when I stumbled upon the anime, especially Dragon Ball: the mix of action, adventure, and spicy comedy started something in me.
I learned how to draw hands, muscles, and women copying Toriyama’s style in Dragon Ball Z. I was like 10 years old when I realized how a not realistic drawing of a person can trigger sensual emotions, only with some curved lines, and of course an inviting personality.
And I must say that I started drawing naked ladies more young than I would like to admit. It’s the age when you sneak some porn magazines and if you have luck a dirty VHS videotape. But in my case, I have a naked Bulma drawing to share with my selected group of friends.
In my teenage years, I came across the work of European masters like Serpieri, Manara, Azpiri, the Heavy Metal magazine, you know, and then I realized that in the old world where artists could earn the life drawing what I liked most.
In Mexico, the comic industry was pretty dead by then (and still is), so being a comic artist was just a dream. I studied graphic design but I never stopped drawing so in my free time I started to develop a webcomic titled SexGazer about a hacker that blackmails girls to drag them to their perverted games.
It was 2013 when I created my Tumblr and HentaiFoundry profiles using as a nickname the comic title, and eventually Tracy Scops and Jaycee Knight discovered my work and were my first commissioners. I can’t believe that I was earning money drawing smut. The rest of you can imagine it: I just never stopped.
You do wonderful art! And doing great art in comics is even more difficult. What practice or philosophy helped level up your art the most?
Thanks! Well, I think drawing and writing is the only thing I can do. No lies.
I hated school, despite keeping good grades. I worked part-time jobs to pay for school (packing groceries at a supermarket, washing dishes at a restaurant, bartender assistant, selling burritos on the streets…) but I just hated every minute of that.
So, when the opportunity showed up I jumped into the boat. So that’s my philosophy: I wouldn’t want to do anything else (maybe music, since it’s my other passion), so I do 1000% in every drawing.

Please tell us about Dollhouse.
When the pandemic started, all my regular customers stopped their projects, and since I wanted to keep creating for my few but loyal Patrons, I resumed the SexGazer webcomic project that remained unconcluded due to my paid gigs.
From time to time some people asked me if I had plans to continue the SexGazer story, but as years passed, my style changed a lot and I decided to reboot the whole thing under a different name. I kept the main characters: Amber, Tob, G-Host (so-called SexGazer in the first version), Dalila, Lena, and of course, I created some new ones like the French busty MILF Ana Badeaux or the naughty and unpredictable Serena. And instead of a hacker blackmailing people, I turned them into a voyeur that keeps a secret sex club called DollHouse.
Dollhouse just hit 300 pages! That’s a great accomplishment! What do you have to do to create consistent quality work? Do you have any advice for other artists who want to be more consistent?
Yeah! Well, my tactic is to do one page at a time. If I had known that this comic would be so big, back in 2020, maybe I would have never started.
The first DollHouse draft was like 60 pages and the idea was to release an 8-12 page chapter per month. But sooner than later I realized that I rather quality over quantity, and since it’s a webcomic there’s no need to restrain the page number, so I made 5 or 6 pages per month.
So my advice is not to think about the big picture, it’s better to take baby steps at the beginning, but in a consistent way.
What is your art process like? What tools or apps do you use?
I use Procreate for sketching and then I continue on the PC, doing the line art, flats, and colors using Paint Tool Sai 2. I found the iPad great for sketching since it feels more “the old way” if that makes sense, but for the rest of the process, I get used to working with the keyboard and the Wacom which is nothing fancy: an Intuos CTL 4100.
I am not afraid of taking references from pictures, but I rather use 3d software to set the perfect pose and framing: Magic Poser for human figures and Sketch Up for buildings and backgrounds.

How can people find Dollhouse and support you the best?
You can find the first three chapters and other free comics on SEXGAZER.COM, Subscribe Star, and my Discord server. Since Patreon doesn’t allow releasing NSFW content publicly, you can grab the first four chapters in the store section.
Of course, you can find my comics pirated somewhere else, but I added some extra features after release like extra pages or sketches that are only on the official versions.
Let’s talk about the difficulties of finding a good platform to present NSFW work. What are your thoughts on Patreon and Gumroad?
I guess every NSFW artist is familiar with this. People think that we take the easy way by doing porn, but we live every day with the fear that our sites were nuked without previous notice.
Patreon and Gumroad are great but, as far as I know, they were pushed by the payment processors to cease working with NSFW creators. Gumroad just closed its doors and I lost an income that if was not great, at least meant extra bucks to pay the bills, especially when a new chapter was released.
On the other hand, Patreon keeps allowing adult content, but if they find content that could be problematic (like BDSM, or certain implications about nonconsensual interactions), the staff could shut down your page without previous notice.
I understand that there are people who push the limits of what it’s legal or not, but people need to understand that this is our work. Imagine being fired without knowing what exactly you did wrong and not having a chance to collect at least your last payment to survive a few weeks.
I love my work but the mental distress of losing everything is the worst part of it. But as I said, we blame the payment processors: I don’t understand the prudery of their policies.

How do you feel about social media for NSFW artists?
Same with the platforms: I understand that they need rules (I heard that Tumblr banned porn since there was illegal content), but there’s a lot of hypocrisy on their terms and algorithms. It could be great to have a safe space for adults where we can share art or information related to sex.
Note from Dirk: Tumblr did ban NSFW content for several years when they were sold to a big telecommunications company. Then when they were sold again they adjusted their TOS where they now allow adult content if you label it (much like BlueSky does now). Unfortunately, Tumblr never fully recovered from the ban.
You have your website built by FLAANation. Can you talk about that option and how it’s going?
They reached out to me just when I started DollHouse, so it was like a sign from fate that I was on the right path. Everything is going smoothly since I have been working with them, and having my site gives me some peace knowing that I don’t have all the eggs in the same basket for the previously mentioned disadvantages of being an NSFW creator.
I just wish that they had better marketing, I think there are a lot of people who are not aware of their existence, but they do the programming and process the payments, so every artist is responsible for their sales.

Please tell us about NunHouse.
DollHouse side projects have existed since I started with the series, but they were always in the comic format. Can’t recall why exactly, but I decided to make a visual novel, despite I know nothing about programming.
It is not a big deal though using RenPy; at least on the basics. I’m not doing something fancy, following my philosophy of going one step at a time. It’s a great opportunity to explore interactive stories. Also, I’m learning animation and I’ll be making some music themes: I’m not a programmer, animator, or musician but I’m doing it anyway.
The story follows a slutty Amber who will seek salvation in the NunHouse, but the Devil prowls at night and will seek to lead her down the path of perdition. The first playable demo is already available for Mac and Windows and I hope to finish the first chapter this year if everything goes well I would like to hire a programmer to make a bigger story with better interactive features. By now I’m a one-man army.

What project would you like to do in the future?
I would like to create some animated shorts featuring my characters. I just started practicing animation the past year, doing simple loops on Procreate. I want DollHouse to become a transmedia project, with animation, games, music, and stories but for now, I’ll focus on the comic series.
Thank you for doing this interview! Is there anything else you’d like to add or someone you’d like to mention?
Thanks for the interview! Remember to leave a kind comment to your favorite artists, that can make our day better!
Such great stuff in this interview about getting art done, art philosophy, some practical tool tips, and planning for the future! Thanks to SexGazer for giving so much in this interview!
And I definitely want to underscore that a kind comment from a fan or admirerer can make a much bigger difference than you’ll ever know!
Check out SexGazer’s links below!