Most of the time you will read about Toxic Goddess Dame Lebeau being the model in a piece of artwork that Robert Henry or I created. Well, Dame Lebeau is a great artist in her own right and to prove it she had a piece accepted in this February’s world renowned erotic art event, The Dirty Show, in Detroit Michigan.
Here’s an interview with Toxic Goddess Dame Lebeau about the art show.
1. Please tell me about the piece that was accepted into the Dirty show.
Dame Lebeau: The piece happened during one of my spontaneous needs to photograph myself. As I photographed parts of my body I had an idea of what it was going to be or what it could be. I did not really have any idea thatI would be so pleased with the end result.
2. How does this piece fit within your greater body of work?
Dame Lebeau: This piece subject wise is very similar to what I normally photograph. My favorite subject is the self. I can not imagine a better way to discover who I am as an artist and model. I have not before constructed a collage. I am very happy with how a collage can create a story that flows.
3. How do you feel about having work in the Dirty Show?
Dame Lebeau: I am very excited about having my piece in the Dirty Show. This is my first real show and I am just going along with the new experience.
4. One of the fundamental tenants of Toxic Goddess was to be an engine for creating artwork and a family of creative people. Does Toxic Goddess serve that purpose for you? Please elaborate.
Toxic Goddess does a great job in encouraging artists to grow. It is run by two great artists, Robert Henry and Dirk Hooper. I cannot help but, to feel inspired when seeing the work they are able to produce. With every shoot I do for TG, I learn more and more about modeling and about photography. I consider us to be a small family and as a family we like to see each one of us grow creatively. It all points back to Toxic Goddess and that is something I believe in.
5. What projects are you working on this year?
I am forever working on more self portraits. I think this year I will work toward having more of my work seen publicly.
Thanks Dame Lebeau! I’ll run Robert Henry’s interview in the next few days, because he got a piece in the show too!