Inanna Justice Interview
This is a fun and informative interview with someone who has distinguished herself as a community leader, a positive force for women and BDSM, and a creative talent.
Inanna Justice has just released her first book, The Heart of the Dominatrix, which is a beautiful coffee table book filled with incredible photography, but more importantly, is a wealth of information about professional and lifestyle female domination, directly from dominatrices from around the world.
The Heart of the Dominatrix is a valuable and unique resource on female domination.
Links to the Interview
Inanna Justice Interview on Rumble
Inanna Justice Interview on YouTube
Inanna Justice Interview on Minds
- What are some of your formative experiences with BDSM?
- How did 50 Shades introduce you to the community?
- How did you fall into professional domination?
- You love role playing. Can you give us a couple of examples of the depth of your scenarios?
- Many people who see you would not be able to experience female domination otherwise. Do you feel the weight of that responsibility, or do you feel proud of the experience you’re providing?
- Can you talk about the connection or what you get out of being a professional dominatrix?
- What is the greatest misconception that the general public has about professional dominatrices?
- Can you talk about how submissives are strong, and what it’s like to be percieved as a submissive man in society?
- Please tell everyone about your book Heart of the Dominatrix.
- What was the primary reason you wanted to write the book?
- Who was the book written for? Housewives?
- How did this book validate your own views?
- How did Madame Margherite affect your opinion on being face out?
- Tell us about the book being banned.
- You are very dedicated to the local community. Can you talk about your Domme Munch. Do you have anything else planned?
- What do you have planned next?

Bio of Inanna Justice
Inanna Justice is an expatriate Dominatrix living in Paris. She has distinguished herself through her
outreach to the local kink community, her writing about BDSM, expressing her love of the scene through
creating the “Innanapoly” board game, and writing “The Heart of the Dominatrix,” which showcases
intimate interviews with 21 Dominatrices from around the world.
Links for Inanna Justice
The Heart of the Dominatrix on Amazon
Inanna Justice Profile on Amazon
Dirk Hooper 00:25
Welcome to fetish week. I’m Dirk Hooper. This interview will be posted on my YouTube channel, Twitter minds and my legacy resource site, www dot Dirk hooper.com, which is now celebrating 20 years and has been totally revamped. Please go check it out. This interview is sponsored by sexing networking where I offer help with personal branding, marketing, social media, writing and search engine optimization. To learn more go to sexy networking.com. My guest today is an expatriate dominatrix living in Paris she has distinguished herself through her outreach to the local kink community, her writing about BDSM expressing her love of the scene through creating the Anona opoli word game. Hopefully I pronounced that right. And writing the heart of the dominatrix which showcases intimate interviews with 21 Dominator sees from around the world and not a justice. Welcome to fetish week.
Inanna 01:25
Thank you so much Dirk, thanks so much for having me. And yeah, it’s a pleasure to be here. After all this, this time, I just want to do a quick plug for you, because I contacted you for your consulting on how to better market and your advice was so valuable. If anyone out there is hesitating, he takes so much time, effort and energy to not only have an in depth look at your website, your Twitter, your social media, but also to have a long conversation. And then to give you a full report. So if you’re hesitating, don’t, it’s a small investment for a really amazing amount of work that you put into it. Thank you so much for that. So
Dirk Hooper 02:15
wow, thank you for saying that. That’s incredible.
Inanna 02:18
It’s really helpful for me.
Dirk Hooper 02:22
Let me also say, in the interest of full disclosure that I I’ve, I’ve done artwork for Anona have talked to her for quite some time on Twitter. We work together through sexy networking, I’m doing an interview with her. She’s one of the most genuine, cool people that I’ve met in the community. She’s a great resource for everyone. And, you know, I’m so happy to have her on this interview and hopefully share her with both the community and hopefully outside the community which I always try to aim for people who are just curious about, you know, they want to know more and stuff. I think that you’re the exact sort of person that that you know, I want on this on this show.
Inanna 03:10
And I would love to do more outreach outside of the community. As you know, I do a lot of events for primarily for pro Dom’s. You here in Paris. I’m American, but I’ve been based in Paris for coming up on seven years. And I do a lot of do a lot of work for the FEM dog community here in France. Monthly DOM dinner, I do workshops on safety and security. We just did a needle play workshop last week. Lots of stuff for products. But I would really like to extend that to lifestyle dogs and also to people that are just interested in female domination, I would love to reach out to more vanilla women that have an inkling than I do.
Dirk Hooper 03:55
With hear I preach that all the time. You know, I’ve talked many times, we’re able to get into into the interview yet. And we’re already into some deep stuff. You know, I talked about what I call the dog deficit. There are there are not that many female dominate trustees out there. And I think that the only way that you can, you know, turn the tide on that is to get some information out there. And they have to hear it, they can’t hear it from me. You know, it’s self serving for me, but if they can hear it from you from someone who is you know, who who practices it and does it in those the benefits and we will talk about all of that here soon. I promise. I have I have questions on this subject. You know, that’s one
Inanna 04:47
of the that’s one of the goals of this book also is to make female domination more accessible. During our interview with sexy marketing, it was something that I I said, you said, Oh my gosh, that’s exactly what you need. That’s how you need to sell the book. My goal is for this book to be on the, on the bookshelf of like every middle aged American vanilla housewife woman ever, to give a better perspective on what female domination is. Because there’s 21 Women in this book, this beautiful book here of this. There’s 21 women in the book with 21. Completely different ideas. Yeah.
Dirk Hooper 05:33
And the book that she’s talking about, and the reason for the the interview is the heart of the dominatrix portraits and interviews of exceptional mistresses. And we will talk more about that here in a moment. What I want to do is start out with kind of your story and ask, what are some because I, because we have talked quite a bit. And I’m curious about your formative experiences with BDSM before you even have words for it.
Inanna 06:04
I think that my, my first BDSM memories regarding I’m gonna link this to sexuality, I’m not talking about my childhood, when I used to beat my brother up and I made, I would make him pee on the electric fence because we had horses. So there was definitely some, I think that’s very common with children. Treasuries, I don’t think that it’s, it’s exclusive to people that are dominant, but it was. So thinking of my first sexual experiences. I remember using a candle to do anal play with my first sexual partner, my first boyfriend, we were very curious. And there was a lot of spitting and hitting, and dirty name calling. And now what I see is like BDSM, light, you know, kind of a light version. It’s existed in my sexuality for since the beginning. It was later in Turkey, now that you’ve, you’ve already heard this story. And sure, it was 2011, when 50 Shades of Grey came out that I learned the vocabulary BDSM, which led me to doing some research on the internet, which led me to going to munches, which led me to finding some play partners, which brought me here today after, you know,
Dirk Hooper 07:37
you went right into my next question, which is, you know, how does 50 Shades of Grey, you know, fold into your experience? And I think that, you know, you just validated what I’ve been saying for the past 10 years, which is yes, 50 Shades of Grey is kind of trash fiction, it’s not not so great, you know, literature, and it’s not the, you know, it’s obviously not written by someone who is from the community, they don’t know, all of the, you know, the way to, you know, construct a perfect BDSM relationship. However, I said at the time, and you just, you just justified it, that it would introduce BDSM to everyone. I mean, it it was over that summer or over a two year period. It was the book to have in front of you, everyone. Everyone read that book, people who have never been interested in BDSM. Before, suddenly were reading that book.
Inanna 08:43
It democratized BDSM Yes. It was problematic. I don’t remember the book very well. Honestly. It’s been no what 10 years or 11 years since it came out. I read it one hot summer day, I remember I was naked on my naked on my couch, like I totally remember, I remember being on my couch reading it. Honestly, I and I’m a literature buff. I studied literature and linguistics. I remember thinking, Oh, this is really, really trashy. But I really into it. And I’ve read the whole book in the afternoon. You know, it took me two hours or three hours to read the couple 100 pages that it is. It’s not great literature. And in retrospect, I realized that there were a lot of problems with it. But it opened a door for me. That wasn’t accessible. Prior to that, yes. And so I have a lot of a lot of gratitude for that. I do think it’s not perfect. Just like my books, not perfect, just like any piece of literature that we’ve ever read is not perfect. You know, if we read Tolstoy or Dickens or it doesn’t matter who There’s always problems with it, but can we find the good in it and for me, 50 Shades of Grey was transformative And I’m really thankful that it came across my, my sights.
Dirk Hooper 10:04
Absolutely. As someone who has been in the BDSM community since the 90s, I can say that two big things happened in both at the same time. That turned a huge corner for for the BDSM community. One was 50 Shades of Grey, which put, you know, BDSM in the hands of soccer moms across the world, you know, and then removing BDSM, as, you know, something that was was yeah, it was a disorder in the the what is it the DS, V or something anyway? Is this the psych psychology as being a mental disorder? Unless, of course, you know, you were causing harm to yourself or others, you know, due to it. So those two things allowed the, instead of BDSM being the subject of jokes, or derision, suddenly, people were like, Oh, maybe I should take a shot at this. You know, maybe this is interesting. And since then, I mean, one of the recent studies that they’ve had, suggests that 50% of the populace has some sort of BDSM that they practice in, in their bedroom, which means something just as simple as spanking.
Inanna 11:36
Is that self identifying? Because you don’t know that language? How?
Dirk Hooper 11:44
Right, what they would do is, they would say, are you doing any of these things? Right? It’s not someone who says I’m a member of the BDSM community. It’s like, here’s the activities that BDSM encompasses, are you doing any of these things? And I’ll be damned 50% of the populace is doing a little bit isn’t
Inanna 12:05
50% admits?
Dirk Hooper 12:08
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know, look, this stuff has been around since the beginning of time. Right? I mean, absolutely. You know, it’s not like we invented this stuff. This stuff has been around. So in any case, I think it’s, I really wanted to focus in on your origin story, in conjunction with 50 shades. Because I think that it’s important for people to realize that, you know, despite its problems, 50 shades had some positive outcomes.
Inanna 12:42
I wouldn’t be here without that book, or maybe I would be, but through
Dirk Hooper 12:48
editing, you just needed the you needed the language I need you to lexicon
Inanna 12:53
and I don’t know, you know, being a literature nut. I don’t know. And I had read and rice and I don’t know, like, there was something Oh, yeah. didn’t click. I was
Dirk Hooper 13:03
reading. I was reading the marquee the sod when I was 13 years old.
Inanna 13:07
Oh, my God, how boring. Oh, it’s terrible. It’s terrible. But
Dirk Hooper 13:13
this was before the internet. Right. And, you know, it’s what I had. It’s, you know, it was me trying to figure this stuff out. We didn’t have 50 shades. They didn’t have the claiming of Sleeping Beauty. You mentioned a rice. They did have that stuff. And I found that and you know, I found some books to read. But
Inanna 13:32
I bet you had to go digging in libraries. I bet you had to go digging in bookshops. Yeah. And like, there was no internet. When I read 50 Shades of Grey, the first thing I did was popped on Google. First thing I did was hopped on Google and I created a FetLife account. Like, within a couple of days, I would say I had play partners. Sure, you know, yeah. So revolutionary times. Seeing as it was a time when internet already existed. Had that happened to me at 16, when internet was just starting, may not have been the same quick reaction. Sure, but coupled with the times that we lived in, that we live in with the internet, basically at our fingertips at that point, I think it was still flip phones, but whatever, had a laptop.
Dirk Hooper 14:26
There’s, there’s been so much that’s changed, people don’t even realize, you know, and the BDSM community has has benefited from all of that. Being able to just do a search. I mean, now you’re you’re faced with the opposite problem with just too much information. You got to dig through it to find the good stuff, which is kind of become my it’s become my mission to hopefully provide the good stuff or point towards the good stuff.
Inanna 14:56
Yeah, I think that I was talking I’m with Mr. Justice the other day about some people that we know that are fairly new to the community, and we love them and support them. But there’s what’s it? What’s that curve called? The something curve, where when you first start learning about something, you realize that you don’t know anything. And then oh, whatever, it doesn’t matter. And then you’re like, Yeah, I know Me neither. And then a couple of months, after learning about something, you think you’re an expert? And then you’re actually kind of established? Yep. You realize that you don’t know shit? Yeah. And there’s a lot of that, that that zone where a lot of people that don’t necessarily have a huge amount of experience. Write about? I’m an expert.
Dirk Hooper 15:49
Yes. I’ve noticed. There are some wonder a lot of Yeah, by people who, you know, are new to the scene, and interested in you know, they can do Google searches and find information, but that they don’t have the experience.
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It even,
Dirk Hooper 16:11
you know, even after, I mean, I’m going on about maybe 25. About 25 years of the mic. You know, there’s still so much that I can learn. I feel like if if you’re into this, one of the great things about BDSM is that you can continue to learn for your entire life, about new things and, you know, improve yourself. And
Inanna 16:44
one of the great things about life is that we can continue to learn about life. Sure. And I don’t know why in this community, or in a lot of specialties, not necessarily justice community. But a lot of times when we specialize in something, we think that we’re, we’ve learned it all after three months, or three years or three decades, you’ve been in the community much longer than I have. And you’re probably on on this. Sorry, this end of the curve, where you’re like, oh, wow, I really don’t know anything, yet. You have huge amounts of experience and knowledge. And you’re like I’m on to,
Dirk Hooper 17:25
about 10 years ago, there was a mentor program in Dallas, Texas. And I was talking to someone, it’s like, Hey, I think I’d like to take that program. You know, they, what they do is they set you up with mentors. Every month, you have a different mentor throughout the entire year. So one month, you might have like a bondage expert that teaches you bondage. And then the next might teach you how to know how to do interrogation or something. So each month, you get like a different mentor. I thought, Wow, that sounds amazing. And the guy who I was talking to is like, you shouldn’t be taking the program or you should be teaching one of you should be a mentor on one of these things. And it’s like, but I still enjoy. You know, I still enjoy learning just as much as anything.
Inanna 18:13
We all have different experiences and different needs and a different way to approach things. Like I said, I organize BDSM workshops for pro Dom’s in in France. And the other day I organized a needle workshop. I love needle play. I feel pretty proficient, probably proficient enough to guide a class, but I brought in a woman who has a different outlook on needle play. She does really artistic she does beautiful designs on herself. She just beat she just beat her record put 21 needles in herself last week. Wow. And guess what? I learned some stuff the other day. And that’s, that’s beautiful. I really comfortable. You know what, what we were talking about the other day that I thought was really beautiful. I do needle play for SM it’s very sadomasochistic what I use needles for generally, what she does is completely different. It’s very artistic. She’s creating works of art on the backs and torsos of her sobs and the legs and arms. And it’s a completely different approach. You know, what she does is very meditative. Very in connection. And what I do is like I want to inflict pain, so that I can take care of the person afterwards. But that’s a different story. I get it. Yeah, so we always have things to learn, even if we can’t teach workshops, for sure. Last year, I attended a whip workshop and I’m kind of a whip fetishist. And it wasn’t a workshop it was a one on one class with a woman that doesn’t do whipping for BDSM purposes. She’s a world class artistic she she holds the world record for the maximum number of cracks. per minute. Wow. Yeah, super
Dirk Hooper 20:02
cool. It’s cool. Yeah, totally.
Inanna 20:06
I show up because I’m, I’m interested in art also. And I’m interested in art that’s linked to my passion, which is BDSM. So my two very good girlfriends offered me a class with her. And her perspective on how to handle a whip how to take care of a whip is completely different than my vision than my experience. Sure. It’s not better or worse. It’s just different. No. We can always learn.
Dirk Hooper 20:41
Yeah, and I mean, look, if you’re, it’s like a shark. If the shark is not moving forward, it’s it’s dying. I think that you’re either learning or you’re dying. I mean, it’s, you know, it’s one or the other. How did you fall into professional domination?
Inanna 20:58
I fell into pro dorming. By accident, I met I met someone on a kinky kinky app. And we couldn’t find a time to meet and I’ve told this story lots of times through the the last couple of months. I’ve done a lot of a lot of podcasts. So a lot of people have already heard this, but I met a foot fetishist on a kinky dating website. And we couldn’t find a time to meet. And one day he sends me a message and he says, Madam, are you available today? And I said, Yeah, I’m available between I don’t remember, three o’clock and eight o’clock. And he goes, How much is it?
Dirk Hooper 21:35
Amazing. Yeah.
Inanna 21:38
So to be completely honest, it wasn’t too off my radar. My partner at the time, she’s an escort. I had already done a couple of pay for play sessions with her. I was already really deeply entrenched in the community. It wasn’t really a big stretch. I had some friends that were doing pay for play. So it wasn’t a huge stretch, but it was the first time I hadn’t really planned on going pro. It wasn’t really a big foresight. Like, okay, I’m gonna go into pro Dami. That wasn’t at all the idea though. It was it was kind of by accident and this book fetishist paid me a couple 100 euro to to kiss my feet, which was just fabulous, because it’s a fetishism that I absolutely adore. Anyways. At that point, I was going to a lot of play parties and I started getting asked for more pay for play. Are you interested in seeing seeing me one to one? I’ll bring you presents and then probably six months later, I put up my first ad as a program. Yeah. At first I was really doing stuff that I was very, very comfortable with. Notably foot fetishism, floggers at that point, I wasn’t too proficient with a whip, which now has since become a favorite kind of later play candles and, and a little bit of humiliation, a little bit of feminization, which I’ve moved away from now for various reasons. The things that I felt comfortable with and then over the last five years, that’s that’s really developed a lot, thanks to having some wonderful, very, very diverse partners. I’m contacted by people from all different with with different needs, with different desires with different fantasies that pushed me to be very diversified. And that’s been wonderful. fetishism is still kind of stayed central to a lot of my sessions. Without giving too many details today, I did a session that in large part was based around the fetishism of handcuffs and rubber cleaning gloves was an operations. Yeah, an interrogation session. And I don’t like to talk too much about details of sessions. But a fetishism is something that’s really, really intriguing for me. I’ve had a lot of fabulous finishes, and everything from Lunars to of course, foot and stalking fetishes, kind of what we think of is more common fetishes. Because I’m a redhead. A lot of redhead fetishes
Dirk Hooper 24:23
are interesting. Yeah.
Inanna 24:25
Yeah. I think that there’s a certain amount of fetishization of my Americanness also. Yeah, even though I speak your word uniquely. Sure. Yeah. That plays a part also. Which is,
Dirk Hooper 24:39
I feel that just from traveling, like you’re the new guy in town, you know, right. So right, so you’re interesting, you know. Yeah. You love role playing. Can you give us you gave me one you said you don’t want to tell too many details. While I was talking You told me about one scenario that I thought was amazing. So, but I don’t want to put you on the spot. But do you feel comfortable maybe giving us a couple of broad scenarios here?
Inanna 25:10
What did I talk to you about? There’s been a couple.
Dirk Hooper 25:14
You want me to say? Yeah,
Inanna 25:15
go ahead. Go ahead. You
Dirk Hooper 25:16
were you were an alien, and you were speaking only in an alien language. Scene, right, the gist of the scene was that the the submissive, had to figure out what it is that you wanted. I mean, that was the stress. That was the you know, the scenario, right.
Inanna 25:40
And of course, I don’t write I don’t actually speak that language. So there was no like linguistic rules that he could eventually pick up on because I had no idea it was just making sound. So that was part of it. I really liked psychological play and roleplay often is, is very psychologically driven, you know, whether it’s the mistress in the in the school kid, which is a little bit more typical, or the HR director with a lousy employee. But I think that yeah, roleplay I love roleplay interrogation is something that I really liked to do. I love kidnappings. For example, I love particularly like prisoner, prisoner role plays. Okay? That’s, that’s one that I really, really enjoy a lot. Because it’s easy to incorporate. It’s easy to incorporate some of my favorite kinks, meaning, flagellation, a little bit of bondage, it’s really easy to incorporate that and interrogation. Which, yeah, interrogation is super interesting. Like, if you ask someone what their name is 72 times, it’s really, really puts you off your rails, you know, just as even just a simple question like that, they start questioning whether their name is really, John, Jacob or Henry, you know, you’re like, I know that your name is not John, it’s Jacob. You know, when you do it enough times, you know, giving just a kind of a random example. But I love that sort of stuff that pushes us a little bit outside of reality. And roleplay makes it really easy. I think it also eases some of the pressure for subs. Because they’re not Joe Michela, or Frank or whatever, they can totally separate themselves from the person that they are every day a different person, they can totally be a different person. their mannerisms, yeah, totally
Dirk Hooper 27:39
ego vacation.
Inanna 27:42
And it’s something that I’ve that I’ve noticed, particularly in the past two or three years, that I’ve had more and more requests by French people to do sessions in English, even though I speak fluent French. Yeah, because it helps them get out of their head, helps them really get into a different space. Sometimes they don’t speak English very well. So in that case, the interrogation can be really interesting. Sometimes they speak English fluently, or nearly, but it’s much like an outfit can help you transform a language can help you transform.
Dirk Hooper 28:27
I love that. Let me take a pause and say that that we’re talking to Nonna justice. She has a book called The heart of the dominatrix, which we will get to here in a moment, but I want to make sure that everyone knows that that book is out there and that it is well worth your time to check that thing out. Okay, you know, again, we’ve talked quite a bit and one of the, a couple of the things that that I want to discuss is how many people would not have the opportunity to experience female domination. Unless they came to you. Because, you know, it’s there’s just not a lot of we talked about this before we we started recording, there’s just not a lot of women who are dominant out there, and certainly not certainly not enough to, you know, for, for every submissive, male to find someone. Do you feel the weight of that responsibility?
Inanna 29:40
I don’t see it as a weight. I see it as an honor to be able to provide that. I feel really blessed to be able to offer access to femme DOM and kinky femme Dom, particularly in a space that’s safe, secure. Brunette Evolent, caring, loving, respectful, I feel really honored for that I don’t feel I don’t feel it’s a responsibility for me. It’s, it’s natural for me. Like a lot of like a lot of pro Dom’s, I think that we’ve always been dominant in the fact that we found kink may have been, by chance with 50 Shades of Grey or some other some other avenue but I don’t. For me it’s not a burden or a weight on my shoulders on the contrary, it’s an honor to be able to provide that space to be able to invite people into a to live their fantasies for even just for a couple of hours. Now, even if it’s just for two or three hours, that they can explore something that that they that they want to explore. That’s beautiful, what what a pleasure for me. In my daily life, I would say that it’s a little bit different, because I’m pretty politically motivated to make changes. I think that that’s where I feel the pressure. Because as a feminist, I have to scream at the top of my lungs. When someone tries to pick me up in the street, when someone whistles at me, whatever, I can’t shut my mouth, which is partly thanks to BDSM and can consent like having sure ideas of boundaries and consent. It’s partly thanks to that, that I’m able to do that. I feel the pressure much more in my personal life than I do in my professional life. In my professional life. I you know, I always say sessions are my fun time sessions are my that’s where I thrive. That’s where I feed my soul is in the dungeon.
Dirk Hooper 31:51
I am talking right now with a young, new dominatrix. And she told me the other day that that what she has learned in these sessions has carried over to the way that she deals with people in her personal life that has nothing to do with domination or BDSM. Or even, you know, relationships more like, you know, just dealing with people at the coffee shop and stuff where before she might not have spoken out or stood up for herself in certain circumstances. And now she says it comes second nature, it comes very easy for her to stick up for herself or to voice her opinion to to let herself be heard. And I think you we talked a moment ago about the benefits of being a being a dominant woman. That’s unquestionably one of them.
Inanna 32:51
I think that thanks to BDSM, I learned to establish my boundaries in my personal and my professional relationships very, very clearly. We always say it pro Dom’s are experts in communication, because I’m going to hang you by your ears. Maybe upside down, or your toenails. Or, you know, I’m going to be doing dangerous things with you. I might be sticking needles in you. It might be whipping you I might be even more
Dirk Hooper 33:21
importantly, maybe psychologically dangerous.
Inanna 33:25
That’s that’s the most dangerous by far, by far. By far, cutting a scrape will heal. A little bruise will heal. That’s not what we worry about. What I got off track there. What was the question? Oh, you were talking about this young woman? Boundaries? Absolutely.
Dirk Hooper 33:49
Right. You know, just learning to find your assertive voice?
Inanna 33:54
Absolutely. Absolutely. And I think that when we get to the point where the patriarchy is paying us to dominate their asses. I think that there’s something that is really it. There’s something super empowering about that. Sure. I think there was a big shift for me, I think that at first I was like, okay, am I is this like topping from the bottom? And, you know, are they paying me to like, fill out? You know, it’s like, check the boxes on a checklist. And I think that at first, it was a little bit that now my perception of that has shifted. Where know you’re paying to worship me. You’re coming here to spend this time, how I want to spend it, of course, I’m going to listen to their desires to their needs, to their kinks, of course to their limits. Needless to say, Yeah, but you’re coming here. You’re on my time in your on my turf. Yeah. And I think that when we make that shift as a dominant woman, particularly as a professional dominatrix, it it changes come fleetly the perspective of what we do, it changes the intensity. And it’s really beautiful. And it’s really empowering. And I think it’s really empowering for submissives also, because I’ve seen the shift in how my submissive submissive structure. Sure. There’s, where before it was admiration. Now, it’s respect and veneration, you know, for us, like, Oh, you’re really pretty, and I want to kiss your feet. Now. It’s like, will you let me? Will you let me madam? Am I allowed in your space, you know, V that personal direct contact space or just in your dungeon? So I completely agree with with what you’re saying that as a dominatrix. It shifts our perceptions and what we’re going to talk about what we’re what we’re not going to put up with. I did a I did a man spreading, I did a woman spreading on the bus A few weeks ago, because there were two dudes on the bus that were just taking up way too much space. I went in there, and I just made myself at home and took up this knot more than was appropriate. I didn’t try to, but I didn’t make myself small. I didn’t make myself small. Faced with two dudes, whereas five years ago, or 10 years ago, I may have done so. Sure. Because we’re so conditioned as women to not take up space. Right? Yeah. And both of them, both of them pulled it in a little bit.
Dirk Hooper 36:43
Oh, really? They? They recognize that? They got it? Yeah, they pulled
Inanna 36:47
it in a little bit. Again, I wasn’t abusing the the space I wasn’t like, but you know, I liked that idea of like,
Dirk Hooper 36:54
a message. Take it yet.
Inanna 36:56
They got the message that I was taking up the space that I deserve to take up. Even on something as simple as a short bus ride.
Dirk Hooper 37:05
Right? Can you talk about the connection, or what you get out of being a professional dominatrix?
Inanna 37:13
Oh, nothing. It’s really boring.
Dirk Hooper 37:17
Another day at the office, no other
Inanna 37:19
day at the office. There are so many things that I get out of professional domination, domination in general. But the Japanese have a term I believe it’s iki guy that describes really well the balance of when you’re giving the world something that it needs. You’re fulfilling your own desires. And you’re making a decent living. That it comes together and it’s called iki guy and I might be pronouncing maybe slaughtering the name I saw an image but it really spoke to me in that I’m able to again provide a space a safe and caring and loving space for people that want to explore. While doing something that I totally love. I’m I’m a total geek. I just love to play. I just love to play. And my dungeon is my play space. It’s really, I think it was majority that said that BDSM is the last playground for adults. I’m not mistaken. It was her. And I find that very true. You know, it’s the place where we can goof off. We have to take things seriously sure that we can laugh and have fun and get out of our normal business attire with our starched shirts and our pulled up ties and just be real. And so professional domination is that third element of IKI guy is that I’m able to do that and make a living off of it. Sure. I’m not getting rich. I’m not an ollie fans superstar. I work really really, really hard. You know, I make a decent living. I have enough to go on vacation pretty much when I want if it’s not every month of course but you know, I can go on vacation like a normal person. I can buy the food that I want. I live I live a decent life. I’m not buying Louie Vuitton. I’m not buying Chanel. But you know it to have that balance of my passion of play. Because that’s what it is. For me. It’s really it’s a release it’s play. It’s the playground feeding people’s needs. Because caretaking is really important for me also, despite the fact that I like to get worshipped you know, I’m really into into female worship. It’s something that’s super important for me in my sessions is that, that look in my subs I wear He loves me or hates me for two seconds hates me because I’m whipping him or loves me because I’m whipping him. Right? It’s maybe me because I’m making him do something, you know, that passion, right? Exactly. That passion, that dichotomy of really intense feelings. And the fact that I’m able to live that on a regular basis, those highs and lows as adrenaline rushes as endorphin rushes. It’s just magical. It’s just magical. And the people in the scene are just freaking fabulous. Yeah. I’ve met so many wonderful, wonderful people. Serbs, Dom’s pro Dom’s lifestyle Dom’s. We tend to be and I think I think I’m not alone. When I say I’m a geek, I think a lot of us, you know, found this because we’re kind of geeky. I’m a geek about toys, for example, I think a lot of us are. Being a geek means being passionate about something. And I think that a lot of us just, we breed this, we breed these energetic connections, these relationships, men, sorry, switching into French, even if a mural relationships, you know, even fleeting relationships that are only going to last two or three or four hours. And we’re not going to see the person for another six months, or maybe six years. But that we’re able to live such an intense connection. What’s better, what a better Hi than that.
Dirk Hooper 41:44
I keep getting, I keep getting a Wi Fi notice. So if I drop out, please, please hang on. I’ll be right back up. What is the greatest, by the way? You’re absolutely right about everything you just said they’re the people in the BDSM community are really incredible. I mean, it’s one of the one of the great pleasures of having an opportunity to talk to people like you, and share this, I think people need to see the faces instead of you know, what the, what popular media portrays as people who are in the community versus the reality of the the beautiful, wonderful, intelligent, kinky people that are involved in the business and and in the lifestyle.
Inanna 42:40
And I think a lot of us are quite intelligent, emotional intelligence. Now, if we talk about emotional intelligence, certainly, because BDSM forces, again, like I said a little bit earlier, BDSM forces communication, I have to communicate with my bottoms. Whether that’s a masochist, associate, domestic slave, submissive, you know, I have to communicate with them extensively. before, during and after, yes, even just as a professional, even if it’s just for a two hour session. Yeah, I am forced into having deep, profound conversations, that they’re not used to having a lot of times. How do you get someone to communicate about something that they don’t have the vocabulary for,
Dirk Hooper 43:29
or the experience or the comfort?
Inanna 43:33
It’s awkward, if you don’t have the experience.
Dirk Hooper 43:37
I write a lot of articles. And in my joke is that about 99% of my articles could just be, you know, communicate with each other. Like, the sentences communicate with each other. Right? But I, you know, I write 1000 words on the side, right? You know, I mean, communication totally is at the core of everything in BDSM. And you’re right, it has to happen before the scene, it has to happen during the scene. And it has to happen after the scene, and then just rinse and repeat. I mean, it’s so important. And but that, you know, in vanilla relationships, people don’t say, Well, you know, what are you into, before they get into the bedroom? They’re not like, you know, what turns you on? And what do you not want to do? And what have you never done and you want to do know what, you know, people are not having those conversations, or they’re having them at the wrong time. When you’re supposed to be doing the thing you’re not supposed to be, you know, discussing your limits and stuff.
Inanna 44:36
I had a discussion, I went on a yoga and horseback riding retreat last week, and I met a young woman, not even that young couple years younger than I am. And she goes, but when do you have that conversation? It’s never the good time. And I said, Nope, it’s never a good time and it’s easier to have it on a first date than it is I have it on a third date and much easier than to have it on a 30. Est, when you’re already invested.
Dirk Hooper 45:05
Oh my god, yes. Good time, I no longer date than other people because I love that, before we do anything. We both fill out a BDSM play partner playlist, and we go through it. And you know, a lot of people are like, Oh, that’s weird and awkward. I love going over. That’s the most fun thing ever, is to have all both of our lists there and go, oh, oh, you’re into this. Tell me about this. I’ve never done this before. Let’s talk about this. It’s it. Are you kidding me, you’re gonna talk about says experiences and stuff. It’s one of the it’s in, you want to talk about connection with people. You’re talking to them about something that maybe they’ve never talked to anyone about before. And you’re talking about it, frankly, it’s, it’s a blast to talk about those things. And if you’re doing the process, you’re talking to him about what they’re into. You check in with him during the the scene. And then you talk to him about what worked and what didn’t work after the scene. How much better is your next seem to be? And how much better? Is it going to be six months from now? And how much better? Is it going to be six years from now?
Inanna 46:24
Totally. It’s so true. But like you said often in vanilla relationships. We don’t do that.
Dirk Hooper 46:32
You expect people to be an expert on your body. Right? You know, when, you know, I mean, some people are not even an expert on their own body. Like they don’t know really like, you know, they don’t have the language or the experience to say this works for me mentally. No.
Inanna 46:52
And that’s something that can evolve. Also. I know that my body has changed in what I want, what I need what I like, Oh, yeah. Like hell yeah. And if we’re filling out these questionnaires, metaphorically or actually filling out a questionnaire, or just have a list of questions, and we’re asking our partner, okay, how do you feel today about pain play? How do you feel today about modification? How do you feel today about bondage? How do you feel today about chastity? Chastity I never asked.
Dirk Hooper 47:33
We’re doing this
Inanna 47:35
good idea. It’s No, I’m joking about that. But I became more and more of a proponent of chastity not as a denial of pleasure, but a recentering of masculine energy. And once I started looking at it like that, it changed the perspective because I’m a pleasure junkie. And I don’t want to take pleasure away from someone. But once I started seeing it as a way to harness energy, because a lot of men, most men lose a lot of energy when they ejaculate. And so totally getting off subject.
Dirk Hooper 48:14
No, totally on subject.
Inanna 48:17
Yeah, having you having these discussions, like where are you today on on this? And, okay, that’s how you felt last week, but I can adapt?
Dirk Hooper 48:26
Yeah. And I mean, I talked about that BDSM playlist, do you think it’s different from the way that I filled it out? You know, the first time and how I fill it out now
Inanna 48:36
is exactly the same. I’m sure it’s light years.
Dirk Hooper 48:39
It’s light years different. Because I’ve experienced stuff and things that I thought I’d be into, it wasn’t such a big deal and things that I thought I’ll never do that. It’s like, oh, that that’s like the biggest thing now. Totally.
Inanna 48:51
And that’s one reason I recommend to, to my sets, especially newbies that are just, I see a lot of a lot of newbies. I think part of what I put out on social media, you know, I read a lot of articles about just getting started, like how to safely contacted on what to look for in a in a good pro Dom Good being totally subjective, but like red flags to avoid that sort of stuff. So I draw a lot of beginners and I always encourage them to write after a session. Always, even if it’s five lines, write about your experience, send yourself an email, you don’t have to send it to me, it’s not about me. This is about saving those memories. I wish I had that for myself to see the evolution because, gosh, five years ago, I can’t imagine the changes the changes 10 years ago, I can’t imagine the changes. Yeah. We have all funded with Beckett. It is it is so for the listeners tonight if you’re just starting your journey or if you’ve been on this journey for 20 years, write, or record, if you’re more into voice recordings, or draw a piece of art, you know, if you’re an artist and you play music, write a piece of music, create something that captures the essence of your sessions, create something that you can look back on and go, Oh, God, that makes me remember the emotions that I went through. At that moment. I don’t care about practices, I always say practices are an interesting, it’s all about connection. It’s all about emotions. practices are never interesting. It’s all about what we feel, hear and hear. And those goosebumps on your skin. And those little tingles up your spine, whether you’re topping or bottoming or working directions. Yeah, totally, totally. That’s the stuff that’s interesting.
Dirk Hooper 50:55
You know, you talk about I’m a huge proponent of both writing something that talks, the submissive talks about how they felt during the session, and what worked, what didn’t work, something that they can share with me. But then they can also write their own stuff, I realized that some things you’re gonna, you’re gonna want to keep to yourself. And that’s, that’s cool, too. If you’re not a writer, if you’re not the type of person that has a desktop computer, or whatever you don’t write, there are one of the things that I’ve started doing over the last couple of years is using transcription, I know that Android phones have a recorder that will in real time, put your put your voice into text with complete with punctuation and everything. Even if you don’t write if you can talk, you know, you can get that information down there and then save it. You know, as a Google Doc or something, I’m sure that Apple has something similar. And if you want to go one step further, there’s a service called otter, OTT er, that is really great for doing transcription. So you don’t have to, you know, some people hear right, and they’re like, ah, you know, I’m not in third grade anymore. I don’t want to write you can still get your your thoughts down. And I think really important, without such
Inanna 52:14
an eye, well, it’s not required to send me something. It’s highly recommended. And I noticed when people are highly recommended, highly.
Dirk Hooper 52:26
Relationship, I need it. I need to know, I need the you know, the what’s the term that the Navy SEALs use? Like an after action report? I need that.
Inanna 52:41
Okay. Yeah. I totally understand
Dirk Hooper 52:45
that I that’s the thing. I want to hear the bad stuff more than I want to hear the good stuff to be constructive criticism.
Inanna 52:51
Yeah. And I say that too. You’re allowed to have your feelings about the session about certain practices about certain moments, you are entitled to all of your feelings. And no, I’m not going to take it personally. Unless I fucked up which is possible because believe it or not, I am a human. I try not to all the time. Yeah, I try not to.
Dirk Hooper 53:12
That’s what I’m trying to mitigate is the fuck ups.
Inanna 53:16
Yeah, let’s minimalize our fuck ups. And it’s through communicating with each other. That we can minimalize that.
Dirk Hooper 53:24
Yeah. That’s the way you do it.
Inanna 53:28
Dirk Hooper 53:29
What is the greatest misconception about professional Dominator sees by the general public?
Inanna 53:36
That I wouldn’t do it if I wasn’t paid? Yeah, that’s yeah, I would just not with you know, you pay me for my time, you know, you the general population. Otherwise, I would have three or four or five full time service subs to cater to my needs in service. So you know, one heavy masochist one bondage freak, another one med FET. lover, you know, I would have a small harem right of people that were very, very specifically adapted to my particular kinks and my particular needs. That’s the wonderful part about being a pro DOM is already I’ve learned so much having encounters with such a diverse population. But most of my clients, truth be told, they wouldn’t be part of that five person harem. They just wouldn’t, because they don’t have enough time. Of course. Does that mean that I don’t appreciate them that I don’t respect them and that I don’t enjoy our time together? Not at all. But they don’t get a call. At eight in the morning when I’m having my first coffee. They don’t get to come over for lunch. They don’t get to go for a walk in the park with me. That’s the difference between my lifestyle and my and my clients. We have a very intense, wonderful relationship that lasts a few hours. And it’s not that and I do think about my subs. I do think about my Goodridge, I should differentiate, I do think about my clients outside of session, but are they going to get that precious energy? That my, my, my perfect, Karen would No, no, you get to come and live out your fantasies with me for a few hours. And we’re going to have a great time. And we’re going to laugh and we’re going to cry, and we’re going to scream and yeah, so I think that that’s a big misconception that if I wasn’t paid, I wouldn’t do it. And you know, it’s something that I’ve said, a lot of times, I would just statistically not with you. Right, statistically not with you,
Dirk Hooper 56:02
it’d be with a very small group of very specific people.
Inanna 56:07
Right, exactly. And again, that’s not to downplay the passion in my sessions. It’s just a fact of the matter.
Dirk Hooper 56:20
No, and one of the, I probably say this, every time I do an interview, people have to realize that being a professional Dominator breaks. Comes with buying latex outfits, leather gear, whips, you know, cuffs chains, bondage furniture, not to mention the considerable amount of money that it takes to promote the thing create a website,
Inanna 56:53
condoms, gel, gloves, cleaning supplies. My cradle every month, yeah, my cleaning supplies. Every month, I use a new hospital grade sterilization thing, a five liter container, it’s 27 year old eyes for a month. Because I’m a hygiene freak. Yeah. And, and you’re going to, you’re possibly going to be kissing the floor. And I don’t want any nasty shit on the floor. If you’re gonna be kissing the floor. And I’m gonna be putting some weird stuff in your body. And I don’t want there to be any, you know, I’m gonna mitigate the risks as much as possible. Of course, you know, BDSM is intrinsically dangerous. That’s what makes it exciting. But we’re going to limit the risks as much as possible. Yes, Lee latex, leather vital gear gear gear gear gear.
Dirk Hooper 57:48
Yeah. I mean, you’re not going Honestly, you’re probably not going to get that with someone who has a lifestyle dominatrix because it’s, I mean, unless they’re independently wealthy. Because that shit is expensive. I mean, like, look at go look at how much it costs for one latex outfit. And then, on the low
Inanna 58:06
end, a simple latex dress. We’re looking at 150 150 euro on the low end, low end. I’ve got a dozen of them. Yeah. How many pairs of shoes do I have? And I’m a boot lover. So how many pairs of boots do I have at 346 $800? A pair?
Dirk Hooper 58:28
Yeah. Good quality whips and cuffs and stuff. It’s expensive. And none of that none of that addresses your level of experience because again if you have a lifestyle dominatrix probably not as experienced as a professional dominatrix who has seen multiple clients. I mean, you just talked earlier how you know steel sharpens steel. When you have when you have you know a new person to play with you learn things by playing with them. You expand your repertoire.
Inanna 59:07
Of course, someone it might have been Mr. Justice that said this the other day, he’s like, going to see a program it’s like going to see a pro soccer player play on the field. Compared to the guy that plays once a month with his with his buddies.
Dirk Hooper 59:20
Absolutely right. Yeah, but But you get to play with them. You don’t watch them from the stadium you get in you know, you’re gonna get to play with that pro soccer player. You know, one on one. That’s a that’s a quite a gift. It’s quite a gift. It’s definitely worth the money that you pay for it. In my opinion.
Inanna 59:41
I just put out a short ebook that has a collection of for the listeners that don’t know I write for my blog, and I just put out a little ebook that’s on Amazon for five bucks. That has 20 reads it’s got a bunch of new articles including 20 reasons to visit a pro Um, and like you said, one of the reasons is we have some really kick ass gear, like the Justice room is badass. I have a little medical, I have a little medical corner, that’s fabulous. And then I have the Justice room, which is more classic, more contemporary dungeon. My gear is expensive, and the maintenance that I have to replace it. And it It’s my business. So I do, of course, but that’s one of the many, many, many reasons why visiting program is costly. And again, shameless self plug, go check out my ebook, but I also have a bunch of articles on my website. And one of them one of my one of the articles that I’m most proud of is Why is seeing a pro DOM so expensive. Oh, nice. And it kind of breaks down some of the reasons.
Dirk Hooper 1:00:55
You know, what is the name of the ebook? Because I don’t have Yeah.
Inanna 1:01:01
That’s right. I didn’t send you that because I just released it like last week from those that spanked before you tips from a dominatrix. That was that was someone. You have a writer’s group on Twitter, and it was man lock that inspired me. Okay, know that title? Yeah, yeah, cool. For those that spanked before you, it’s on Amazon. If you go to my Amazon Author Page, which Dirk does have the link for, you’ll see that it’s also available in French for anybody that happens to prefer French reading. You can check that out there. And it’s five year old. So it’s accessible if you want to support me, and yeah, Amazon takes most of it anyways, but I really appreciate those little
Dirk Hooper 1:01:43
Yes, they do. Yes, they do. They are the 800 pound gorilla publishing them and then everyone else, which is amazing.
Inanna 1:01:55
Speaking of publishing.
Dirk Hooper 1:01:59
That is my next question. Tell me about your book, part of the dominatrix. What’s that come about? And what is it?
Inanna 1:02:07
So the heart of the dominatrix is a collection of interviews and photographs with 21 Dominate receipts from around the world. It came about just after the second lockdown in France. I was talking with a couple of product girlfriends who are both also writers. And I said, Oh, wouldn’t it be cool to put some interviews together of products from around the world. And they’re like, Oh, that’s such a great idea. So the idea was really kind of started on a whim, it came up really quickly. And I kind of find honed it, I contacted a few women that I knew already, who happened to be specialists ETL, who’s a French woman that I know from France, but she’s living in Hong Kong, she’s pretty well known, and a couple others that are very known for specialties. And I said, Oh, this is maybe a good way to go about it to focus on specialists, people that have really found their niche in BDSM to explore a small part of the diversity of what we do, that we’re not all leather wearing, whip wielding Amazons that we each have our own specific style. I said, you know, I said earlier, you know, I’m really into roleplay. And I’m kind of goofy. And I like to laugh a lot, you know, like, tickle sessions are amongst my favorites. Even though I love whips and chains also. But I really wanted to find women that were very specialized that we’re really known for one or two specific practices. So we have in the book, a wide range of people, everyone from Lady Daria, who has a prison in Warsaw, Poland, to meth has blush with a French woman that’s very, very known for apdl and medfit.
Dirk Hooper 1:03:58
So what a BDL is
Inanna 1:04:00
apdl is adult baby diaper lover. So it’s it’s the kids. We have fetish Queen Hinako who is a Japanese woman that’s really into bondage and fetishism. So it’s a really wide range of amazing personalities. I don’t use that, that that word too lightly. When I say amazing, I actually mean that they’re truly incredible women. They’re very, very diverse. There’s mistress baton from South Africa, who is a judicial, judicial punishment specialist. There are six continents representatives, world famous. She’s absolutely incredible. And I just started a YouTube channel recently, and we have a little interview on my on my YouTube channel. Who else? We have Mr. Cesaro. So in general, I didn’t necessarily target the big, the big names of social media. That wasn’t my goal. It wasn’t to do Like, the best of Twitter that wasn’t at all my goal it was really to find people that were known for specific things. Is that a sin? She’s really known for her matriarchal lifestyle. Certainly she interested me, primarily because of that. It wasn’t because of her Twitter following.
Dirk Hooper 1:05:16
Yeah, she loves this shit.
Inanna 1:05:19
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Lady by who is like my major girl crush, one of many, one of many? Who does a lot of religious roleplay. So there’s a wide range. And that was something that I wanted to portray, is that even within femme Dom, even within a niche within a niche, there’s even more small microcosms Mrs. Carroll based in the US, does hypnosis where she does transformation through trance. You know, so each of these women really have a thing that they’re known for. And yeah, so that’s the idea, the basis of the book. It’s a gorgeous book. 316 pages, almost two kilos.
Dirk Hooper 1:06:13
Heavier, please, please show kind of like flip through the Yeah, absolutely. Mine may try to let me while you’re flipping through it, let me say a few things about it. This is a talk about a coffee table book. This is a coffee table book. Look at the the incredible photos that are throughout this thing. Plus very interesting and insightful questions that that are asked to a wide variety of professional and lifestyle Dominator sees. If you’re just into photography, the photography in this book is amazing. But the insight that’s in it is really unique because it was questions that you came up with. So you are a lifestyle and scene player and understand the sort of deep connection that happens, you know, between a dominant and submissive and what it’s like to have need in the business. So you asked really great, insightful questions to these Dom’s were from around the world. It is literally a cross section, not just of fetishes and practices, but also of different women and in different places, geographies. It is a beautiful cross section of the female domination. World. And I mean, you know, look, just look at this thing. It’s incredible. If you’re into this, I don’t know how you don’t have this in your collection right now, honestly.
Inanna 1:08:01
And even if you’re just curious about female domination, I don’t know why you don’t have this in your collection or you’re you’re destined to finish. But I Oh, Coach statistics. She’s so cool. She does BDS she does. Coach and she does sports and life coaching within the framework of BDSM. How cool is that? Yeah. And the insights, Goddess Cleo, who is a friend lended Bass Pro DOM originally. And she’s she’s just super, you know, all of these women. Mexican woman, Jaguar. So talk about something a little bit difficult living in a very, very much he’s mo country. Sure. I’m being a dominatrix. Sure. You know. So that was one of the questions that was really interesting to me. I think particularly being an expatriate, like, how does your cultural history how does your culture shaped the way you dominate? There’s a couple of expats in the in the book also, and how does your original cultural heritage shape your vision on domination where you’re living now? Because I think that my Americanness certainly plays a part in the way that I do in the way that I see femme DOM true, of course, because all of our histories are personal, and, of course, and change and shape our philosophies. It’s just human.
Dirk Hooper 1:09:34
Who was the book written for?
Inanna 1:09:37
It was written, so it was written. Honestly, I think that I it wasn’t a question that I really dug into. I think that I wrote the book for me. I didn’t have a target audience. I think submissive men are falling over this book because there’s more just pictures. I think that’s easy. I think who it’s the most interesting for who would gain the most from it is women, particularly women that don’t have a lot of insight into this community. I think that a woman that has 20 years of experience in the BDSM community already she’s bought the book, she because she’s interested, because she knows that there’s a wide diversity because she wants to learn about each of these women’s wise, you know, the Why Why does she and that was that was the big question that I wanted. Why does she do what she does? What is it that drives her? What? What drives Miss Fox? What drives a mistress baton? What? What’s the behind the scenes? So I think that I didn’t really have that question in mind. From the beginning. Who I want it to be read by is women that are not in the scene. Yeah. That that’s my goal. Housewives, like I said, housewives, they have a couple of kids running around that feel that they want to explore the the wonderful power of female domination, or just to feel their power a little bit to gain a little bit of insight into that. I think that’s who the book has become. That that’s where we’d like the most is to read it. Which is unfortunately complicated. Like I said, submissive men are buying it up by the hands. Sure. Experience products are buying it up by the handful because they know the value of this book. Yeah. So my intended audience now has shifted.
Dirk Hooper 1:11:52
Yeah, go for the next level. Yeah.
Inanna 1:11:57
This this book needs to be read by all women. To understand how beautiful power dynamics can be sure. To understand the EU, there’s a lot of JINR This is a word that I can never pronounce in English, because I’ve only read it in English. I say it in French China, fascist China fascist matriarchal relationships. Okay, yeah. There’s a lot of women in the book that are in matriarch of relationships, like, how beautiful would it be to open this world up to women that are always already taking on a huge amount of responsibility in their careers in the household? And show them that if they tweak just a couple of things, that they can thrive even more in their relationships? Sure. Through elements of feminism?
Dirk Hooper 1:12:52
Sure. Yeah, absolutely. How did this book validate your own views on on the subjects?
Inanna 1:13:01
It made me question my views a lot. And I think that that that’s something that was really powerful in in editing these responses. There’s a few things that particularly stood out for me. A meta Marguerite, who does animal training in the US, she said something that that really changed my world. I wasn’t phased out before writing this book. And it’s discussion that I’ve been having for a very long time, like, do I go face out? Do I go face up? When I received her questionnaire? She said, how can we? How can we be the face of BDSM as professional Dom’s, which I see myself as the face of the community, one of the faces of the community in Paris, France? How can we do that without showing our faces? How can we do that without being phased out? I just went, Ah, shit. You know, so, it that was huge. It’s huge. It’s huge. She changed my life with that with that line.
Dirk Hooper 1:14:01
Yeah, so the book even changed your perception. Of course, it expanded your own world. Of course,
Inanna 1:14:08
each of these women well, I found some common threads throughout the book. Certainly. There’s, in each chapter, I found parts of myself. And in each chapter, I learned something new. Yeah. Yeah, because each of these women just like each of my damn friends in real life. We do have some common experiences. Like I said earlier, you know, a lot of us meet our brothers pee on the electric fence, a lot of us bang, bang their head against the wall or play doctor, you know, so there’s some kind of common life experiences and common emotional experiences also. But there’s a lot of things that are not common amongst us. Things that we we see differently, you know, whether you have a matriarchal relationship or not, whether you have lifestyle subs or not, whether it’s just a job, which is the case for a couple of people in the books Whether it’s not a job at all, when it is being used being a proton is being a Dharma already political is being a proton political is being a woman of power, political, you know, in reading these responses to questions that are often not asked in interviews, which I really wanted to dig deeper on that, you know, as a lifestyle and pro Dom, I had been interviewed a lot. I had been interviewed a lot, but there were some things that I didn’t feel golf with far enough for my liking, you know? So that’s the goal of the heart of the dominatrix was to go a little bit deeper.
Dirk Hooper 1:15:46
Tell us about your book being banned.
Inanna 1:15:50
So it happened really, really quick. And it was banned on Apple books almost instantly, in most countries,
Dirk Hooper 1:15:57
incredible. I would put that on the cover band and X number of countries.
Inanna 1:16:10
No, I buy. Because it’s on I put it on an aggregator so that it could get a little bit more exposure. And almost immediately, I would say within 48 hours, it was banned on Apple books, and Kobo and a couple other really, particularly in certain in certain countries. And I would have to break out the list to but I’ve got a bad book. This is a bad book, you should have it on your bookshelf. Oh my gosh. Books,
Dirk Hooper 1:16:38
let me put my face up here read banned books. I am a voracious reader, and always have been I love reading books. If if someone says that a book is banned, I want to read it about 800 times more than than before the people need to read banned books. You know, talking about stuff is not bad. If you can’t allow an idea to get out to someone, and you can’t defend your own position against it, you know, your position is pretty weak. If you’re afraid of ideas, your positions pretty weak. Yes, man, let kids read whatever the Communist Manifesto, if your thing is, if your gig is better, then tell people why it’s better. It will make you stronger. To read opposing opinions, to challenge yourself.
Inanna 1:17:39
Don’t just read the stuff that confirms your beliefs.
Dirk Hooper 1:17:42
It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous.
Inanna 1:17:45
But we don’t do we don’t we don’t read stuff it that goes against our beliefs in general. Right? There’s some stuff that I read that I’m like, Oh, this is really horrible. did discuss completely gets my philosophy. Right, right. But I forced myself to read it because I feel like I tried to have a different perspective. I’m so stubborn. It rarely works. But I think that it’s important.
Dirk Hooper 1:18:12
You need to know what other ideas are what other people are saying. It’s just ideas, folks.
Inanna 1:18:20
Yeah, I did speech and debate in college. And I think that that was something that was really fabulous for me was to have to defend ideas. didn’t believe very cool.
Dirk Hooper 1:18:30
Yeah. Are they even doing that in school now? I don’t know. I mean, it seems like to me that they give you like, this is the end. I could, I mean, I haven’t been in whatever. I’ve been in high school a long time.
Inanna 1:18:45
Oh, it was university, but it seems
Dirk Hooper 1:18:46
like to me that they give you okay, you know, it seems like now that they give you the the way that you’re supposed to think and critical thinking is not necessarily. You know, the point of things.
Inanna 1:18:59
I had some I had some really horrible, amazing teachers. When I started my university studies quite late, I studied, I started it 3435, something like that. And I had some really horrible, amazing teachers that were like, I was like, I’m gonna get my MBA, I’m going to go into business, and they’re like, do something that you love. What are you passionate about? That’s like reading I want to read for a living. So I studied literature and linguistics which not too practical for getting a job but Right. Man, I I learned some great stuff. I learned some great stuff. And I got to read a lot of people that I didn’t agree with. So yes, read banned books, read books that go against your philosophy. They go against your beliefs. Open your horizons, open your minds. And for all those vanilla housewives that are listening to this. And you’re like, ooh, BDSM is weird. Word. Open your minds, open your hearts, read this book, read this book,
Dirk Hooper 1:20:06
and realize that you may already be doing a little beating. You don’t even know it or acknowledge it. What is the before I have a couple more questions, but before we move on from the heart of the dominatrix, what where’s the best place for people to pick up that book for you.
Inanna 1:20:24
So unless you live in Paris, or you come to Paris regularly, best places, Amazon,
Dirk Hooper 1:20:29
okay, let’s put that up there right there.
Inanna 1:20:31
That’s your really easy wherever you are in the world, it’s available with one click, usually shows up anywhere between three days and three weeks later. So really easy to get. They take care of shipping. Something I want to mention really quick is a couple of people had problems with damaged books coming from Amazon. Let Amazon know they will ship you another book, you don’t have to send the first time back. There’s such a huge entity, just saying, hey, my book was damaged. I’ve I’ve had several emails and messages lately saying, Oh, I’m so disappointed. The book is gorgeous. But the corners were all bad to contact Amazon,
Dirk Hooper 1:21:07
they will fix it, they will fix it, they aren’t good about that.
Inanna 1:21:11
They’re really good about that. One thing that I want to say is 10% of the profits go back to the woman in the book, I think that’s really important to mention, the graphic design was done by a woman, the interior design was done by a woman the cover art was done by a woman I had actually contacted you Dirk to possibly do the cover design. And it was one of the women in the book that said, Why don’t you have a woman? Oh, of course, it’s like light bulb moment, like I didn’t even know hadn’t, hadn’t really thought of it. And then 10% of the of the benefit of the profits from the book will be going back to these women as to it’s kind of a way to show solidarity. We’re not making much money off this book, I just paid myself back. I just paid myself back. But I think that it’s important for people to know that in creating community, we can support each other. And having that small amount that that token amount to show that these women that I appreciate them was important.
Dirk Hooper 1:22:11
I say this all the time, and I’ll say it again, support what you love, if you love BDSM or female domination or whatever, you got to support this. Or the next thing is not coming support this thing right now. Or, you know, if if stuff about female domination doesn’t make any money, then the next thing is not coming. People will not spend there. I mean, how much time did you spend on this thing? To get this thing ready? I mean, you know, getting money in
Inanna 1:22:50
18 months? Yeah. More than that, because I’ve been doing podcasts every week, because I’ve been going out and doing promos every week. I’m doing appearances everywhere. Brands, the actual book took 18 months, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours.
Dirk Hooper 1:23:06
Put your own money up to get it to get it out there. Yeah.
Inanna 1:23:09
Yeah. dipped into my little retirement fund saying, okay,
Dirk Hooper 1:23:13
you know, we don’t name another book. I mean, you know, maybe it’s out there, I don’t know, I don’t claim to know everything. But name another book that’s like this. I can’t think of any.
Inanna 1:23:24
As far as I know, another book like this, this with this with both
Dirk Hooper 1:23:27
the photography and the questions and the the breadth of, of people and subjects I, you know, I don’t know anything out else that’s out there. If you want to see more stuff like this, get out there and support this, because it will foster ideas and energy from you. But also from the rest of the community. When they see that this is successful. They’ll be like, Oh, wow, maybe I could do something like this. And you’ll see the next thing come out. But you know, if if you don’t support this, this is a this will be a one trick pony. Absolutely. Unfortunately, it shouldn’t be.
Inanna 1:24:14
I would love to do multiple editions of this book, I would go back a little bit I would I would go about it a little differently. But now that I have a lot more knowledge because I went into this like not knowing what I was doing. I would also like to do a documentary series where I visit protons and visit their dungeons and interview them in person. Yeah. But if this thing makes me 12 Euro, it’s going to be hard to invest that back into another project to come out 18 months or two years or three years later, with another huge project. I don’t do it for the money. I did not write a book for the money. But your financial support is also emotional support, much like paying a Pro Dog for her time. absolutely what you invest in this book gives me energy
Dirk Hooper 1:25:07
support what you love.
Inanna 1:25:12
If you love femme DOM or you love, femme Dom’s, yeah, check it out.
Dirk Hooper 1:25:19
Yeah. And I hope that this gets your housewife audience at some point, I hope that I’ve, I hope that this interview makes a dent in that for you. And if it doesn’t, then I hope that it maybe opens up the interview that we’ll do that, you know, your, your interview on The Today Show or something.
Inanna 1:25:42
And that’s, that’s the, that’s one of the many, many, many, many, many reasons I’m here is that it just takes one person, it just takes one person to listen this podcast to go Oh, yes. For this to become more more mainstream, or these ideas or for Potter, Phyllis, his book to go mainstream or for one of CASAS books to go mainstream? You know, I’m not, this isn’t a personal thing is an ideological thing.
Dirk Hooper 1:26:16
So what I mean, you’re mentioning people that I all support, you know, yeah. And it’s important to say to the community, you know, even if you can’t crack open your wallet, for something, sharing stuff in social media, you know, talking about these things. It’s so important. Look, you know, I’m telling you right now that on Twitter, if you’re selling if you are if, if you’re sharing adult content, it is not getting distribution by by Twitter at this time, the only, you know, Twitter is not in and of itself. Putting that out to the public. The only way that you can get any distribution on Twitter right now is for someone to reshare it to their their tribe. That’s it. That’s it. If you let it languish on someone’s profile, it will die. Like yes, you have to show engagement on these things. And you can’t assume, Oh, I only have, you know, 56 people that follow me, that doesn’t matter. Twitter looks at these at these shares, as I mean, I say shares because it’s very easy to like stuff. Comments are also huge, because it takes extra energy to put a comment on there, but particularly resharing. You know, Twitter looks at that as like, Oh, this is so important that they wanted their crowd to be sure to see this as well. And so that’s why it’s so important for even if you have 56 followers, to share that stuff to give the algorithm the the the idea that this is an important, you know, project or tweet or, or whatever, and feed it to other people.
Inanna 1:28:07
Absolutely. And I think that’s something that a lot of people don’t realize is the average tweet lasts about 24 minutes. Don’t say to yourself, I’m gonna come back. Yeah, it’s just gone. It’s yeah, just disappeared.
Dirk Hooper 1:28:19
It used to not be that way. Even just two years ago, you could I could put out a tweet, and it would gain traction for maybe an hour or two hours hard. And then 24 hours, would continue to get it would continue to get traction. Now you’re absolutely right, in 24 minutes, it’s done. I mean, it is dead, unless you’re retweeting it yourself or other people retweet. It’s just that simple. I mean, even look, I have over 80,000 followers, My Stuff dies in 24 minutes, just like everyone else. I need your help. I need your help as well. Everyone need your help.
Inanna 1:28:56
Turn on notifications for the people that you really love. I have I think it’s just you and Dan Savage that are like by two I get notifications for you and Dan Savage. I’ve been in love with Dan Savage for like, a really long time. I totally have a crush on someone.
Dirk Hooper 1:29:16
He’s doing the work and his advice is really good, too.
Inanna 1:29:19
His advice is really good. He’s he’s no bullshit. I like bullshit advice.
Dirk Hooper 1:29:25
He’s not in fetish publications. He’s out in he’s getting, you know, newspaper. You know, he’s not in the New York Times. But he’s in you know, smaller. You know, like general public publications talking about this stuff. Wow. Reach. I wish I had that reach.
Inanna 1:29:47
Yeah, retweet our stuff. We’re sharing cool stuff. That’s really scared. You’re, you’re anonymous on Twitter. 99% of us are anonymous on Twitter. It’s just the, it’s just the hot babes that are showing everything off. Submissive number 172,000,463. Go ahead and retweet, we don’t know who you are. But your Twitter followers, like you said, can make a difference.